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Christopher Bauer

Dr. Christopher Bauer, Ph.D., CSP

Helping companies create cultures that support ethics, compliance, and accountability

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Price range

  • $7,500 - $11,500
Expert icon An icon of a lightbulb, signifying expert


  • Accountability
  • Ethics/Integrity
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Vision/Purpose
Experience icon An icon of a gear, signifying experience


  • Associations
  • Corporate
Career icon An icon of a microphone, signifying career


  • 46 Years
  • About

    Christopher Bauer provides easy and immediately applicable ideas and tools to help you drive the culture of ethics, compliance, and accountability you need for long-term organizational success. If your goal is assuring that everyone in your organization can (and will) stay focused on what you value most, these are the programs for you.

    Dr. Bauer is a psychologist by training with over twenty-five years of experience as a speaker, trainer, author, and consultant on professional ethics. complaince and accountability. Between coaching, speaking and consulting, he has worked with front-line workers to senior executives and everyone in-between. His combined backgrounds in psychology and business allow him to bring you unique expertise in understanding both how and why people make the decisions they do as well as the most effective techniques for creating both individual and organzational change. His programs are available in versions for both the private and public sectors.

    Although Dr. Bauer’s areas of expertise and the word “fun” aren’t words typically found in the same sentence, Dr. Bauer’s programs have long been helping international audiences build and maintain their ethics, compliance, and accountability, all while having a terrific time. In fact, his keynotes and seminars have often been described as “Serious Programs That’ll Make You Laugh!” He has worked with individuals and organizations from small and medium-sized businesses to every level of staff and management at Fortune 500 corporations.

    The tone of Dr. Bauer’s programs is conversational and the focus is on practical, easily and immediately applied ideas and tools that, once applied, will build your organization‘s bottom line.

    Dr. Bauer’s articles have appeared in such journals as CEO Refresher, CFO Magazine, Internal Auditor, and many other print and on-line outlets. The latest edition of his book, “Better Ethics NOW: How To Avoid The Ethics Disaster You Never Saw Coming”, has been a business ethics top-seller on and he publishes a free “Weekly Ethics Thought” seen by thousands of readers worldwide.

    Because of his unique contribution to the prevention of ethics problems in the workplace, Dr. Bauer has been recognized with the Certified Fraud Specialist designation by the Association of Certified Fraud Specialists. He has also been recognized with the Certified Speaking Professional designation by the National Speakers Association. This certification has been awarded to him for, among other things, the quality of his programs as judged by meeting planners who have recently hired him. The CSP designation has been earned by less than 10% of members of professional speakers associations worldwide.

  • Video Clips
  • Topics

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational

    ‘Tone at the top’ is merely a starting place for building a culture of ethics, compliance, and accountability. This intensive workshop will walk attendees straight through the foundation steps of building and maintaining such a culture. It doesn’t matter where your company is now – this program will help you take it to where it needs to be! Building A Culture of Ethics. Complaince, and Accountability can be easily combined with customized pre-program assessment packages and after-program coaching and consultation for maximum impact. If your clear goal is a company driven by absolute integrity, this is the program for you. (This program will be highly customized to your specific needs and is available as a half-day, full-day or two-day program.)

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational

    Ultimately your company will live or die based on the degree to which your customers, potential customers, and referral sources trust you. Doing so includes – but goes well beyond – ethics. This program will provide you with essential ideas and tools necessary to build and maintain the trust we all know is required for sustained business success. You will learn how to assure that each and every empoyee keeps the required, constant focus on doing what they say and saying what they do; that is, after all, the foundation of both building and maintaining customer trust and every one of your employees needs to know how to do it. Learn how to build a culture where the maintenance of customer trust drives everything. (This program is available as a 45-100 minute presentation, a three to four-hour highly interactive seminar or as a 60-100 minute general session program followed by one to three additional hours/concurrent sessions for groups who would like to dig more deeply into the material.)

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational

    This hard-hitting yet surprisingly humorous program will show attendees ethics risks they never even knew they had and what can be done right now to make sure those risks don’t turn into costly ethical and legal problems on the job. Attendees will also learn how even a slightly changed focus on ethics can significantly build their organization’s bottom line. This program is perfect for everyone from the front lines right up through senior management. (This program is available as a 60-100 minute presentation, a three to four-hour highly interactive seminar or as a 60-100 minute general session program followed by one to three additional hours/concurrent sessions for groups who would like to dig more deeply into the material. Please inquire regarding additional program lengths and formats.)

    Keynote OR Breakout | Audience Participation | Educational

    At the end of the day, a well-written values statement may affect your business every bit as profoundly as your mission statement. Yet most companies either don’t have a values statement or don’t have one designed for maximum impact. This high-powered program is designed primarily for management teams and boards and will take you through the essential steps of creating or improving your values statement. It will then provide the essential ideas and tools necessary to harness that values statement to create and support business-maximizing initiatives in management, leadership, customer service, and branding. This is a ‘must-do’ process for companies and yet it is one that is simply overlooked by far too many businesses. If your goal is to get your entire organization onto exactly the same page when it comes to management, leadership and customer service, this is the program for you. (This program is available as a 60-100 minute presentation or as a two to three-hour intensive ‘hands-on’ workshop.)

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Motivational

    Everyone knows that effective, compelling leadership mandates impeccable ethics but leaders face exactly the same ethical challenges as everyone. This both practical and fun program will help you recognize many of the ethical risks faced by leaders that are typically either over-looked or ignored. Learn to both spot and respond appropriately to these challenges and take your leadership abilities to the next level!

    The tone of this program is conversational, and the ideas are both practical and immediately applicable.  This program will be customized to fit your event needs.

    Available as a 60-90-minute presentation or as a highly interactive seminar of anywhere from three hours to a full day depending on the available time and the depth desired.

  • Testimonials
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    “Excellent! This was very informative and the presentation style was captivating!”

    Northwest Airlines
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    “Great, practical, applicable material, all while being VERY entertaining and interesting!”

    American Energy Products
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    “This really helped me to better understand the true meaning of ethics and how to self-monitor.”

Excellent! This was very informative and the presentation style was captivating!
Northwest Airlines